CCM: William, what are you working on now and what can we look forward to coming soon?
WH: The next book we are releasing in the early spring will be called Parallax—A William Hawk Novel. This book is actually the first book in the linear timeline of the series. We are presenting the trilogy in a non-standard way, however, I believe the readers will be interested. The genesis of the project followed a similar format. Sometime late summer, I suspect the third novel will be released.

I’ve also been writing extensively about my journeys through Africa in more of a documentary style, so I’m not sure if it will be converted into a book or not? My daughter has been helping me edit the project and I am so thankful to be able to work with her. We have been currently posting it in a blog format.

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click to buy “Proof Of Life” single

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buy Hawk’s novel, “Ignition”

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