But the encouragement to just focus on today was helpful. “What can do you today to walk in the light? Let’s just live in the moment. Let’s make healthy choices right now.”

CCM: On “I’m Still Here,” you said, “Everything for my good…” Today, how do you look back on the suffering you endured as “good?”
I feel like I’m living 2 Corinthians 1, that with the comfort I’ve received from God, I’m able to comfort others.

I can see how God is using the dark period I was in to give hope to somebody else in similar situations. That’s why I know the best is yet to come. What the enemy intended to harm me, I’m seeing how God is now using it for good.

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CCM: Also during your difficult three-and-a-half years, racial tension in America rose amid numerous tragic deaths. Did they, and the division you address on “Bleed The Same,” also contribute to your depression?
They didn’t contribute to it, but they didn’t help. My depression was all very much self-imposed.


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