Israel Houghton: What God’s Heat Beats For

(FEBRUARY 2008) Serving at the largest church in the nation, Israel Houghton is passionate about balancing his dual roles as worship leader and touring artist.

The Final Word: The Arduous Pursuit

(FEBRUARY 2008) Nothing is more mysteriously absurd nor stunningly enticing than the prospect of seeking and finding the living God and linking our hearts with His. Yet knowing God is the most costly and difficult thing we can do with our lives. To doubt and struggle is to be human...

February 2008 Book Reviews

Read the reviews of a few books that were published this year. In this issue: NO OTHER GODS / CHARACTER MAKEOVER / CULTURE SHIFT / WHAT CAN BE FOUND IN 'LOST' / HOLLYWOOD NOBODY.

The Final Word: A Simpler Life

(JANUARY 2008) Time is flying by, we are busy people, do we miss God's will in the process of living?

Keeping The Home Fires Burning

(JANUARY 2008) Skillet members John and Korey Cooper always welcome the chance to serve at their home church — even if their calling means it's only part-time.

What Makes A Man A Man?

(NOVEMBER 2007) What makes a man a man? Emery is answering the question.