With his new single “The Outsiders,” Zaq Monroe is defining what faith in action truly looks like while introducing his punk-flavored hip-hop sound to the world. “The Outsiders” is available at all streaming services.

The single’s release follows closely behind Zaq’s humanitarian trip to war-torn Ukraine. The venture was in partnership with UNIT+E, the nonprofit tied to EDM powerhouse Trampolines, who Zaq has toured with for the better part of a year. “The Outsiders” is the follow-up to “Rise,” which he released in collaboration with Trampolines.

“‘The Outsiders’ is going to be the answer to ‘Rise.’ ‘Rise’ was a call to action, ‘The Outsiders’ is what that action looks like,” the musician explains. “That’s inspired by what we do as a band, our mission trips. How we operate both internationally and in the United States.”

Their way of operating is through truly being the hands and feet of Jesus, entering some of the places most deem dangerous or unreachable. Zaq Monroe has visited 8 countries with Trampolines: performing concerts, ministering to struggling youth, delivering food to areas of need in Ethiopia and Ukraine. No matter what the day’s itinerary holds, for Zaq, all of it involves a radical commitment to letting God use all of him.

“How crazy can your Christianity get?” Zaq Monroe challenges. “This is what Christianity can look like. It doesn’t look like just going to church, worshipping, then going home. It looks like taking what you learned in church, and going out and seeing what you can do with it outside of the church.”

“The Outsiders” captures that message with an energetic sound, a forceful fusion of punk, rock and hip-hop influences.

“It’s full punk rock style. I’ve been really inspired by what’s happening in hip-hop,” the artist shares. “I don’t see Christian hip-hop taking the step as much yet, but there are a lot of artists in the secular realm who have started incorporating a punk rock style and then metal instrumentation in the live stuff.”

“I got inspired after watching Disciple doing Unity Fest,” he adds. “They blew my mind.”

Zaq Monroe grew up in the church, serving in music ministry starting at just 11 years old. But now that he’s landed at the intersection of music and missions, he truly feels like he’s living out his calling — and with “The Outsiders,” he’s inviting listeners to do the same.

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