From the inner musings of Tyler Collins (of Least of These), Bareheart started as a vision, a challenge, and a conviction to bare his heart in the thicket of tragedy. Collins wrote his debut EP, In the Mo(u)rning… as a solo artist in 2018, and it wasn’t until the summer of 2019 that his music took on a new name, as he took on a new purpose.

“The way that I write for Bareheart, and music in general, isn’t really like I’m writing a song. But it’s more like the songs are writing me.” That taste of reality helped shape his sound, with reverent, yet powerfully raw emotion that’s reminiscent of Noah Gundersen and early City & Colour. ‘In the Mo(u)rning’… touches everything from the acoustic emo movement, to the minimalistic freedom of a singer/songwriter. —Tyler Collins


Artist Name:



Dallas, TX

HoneyGold Records

Hobbies/Interests Apart from Music:
Elementary Special Education Teacher, Coffee Connoisseur, LEGO fanatic,

Last Netflix Binge:
Dead To Me

Musical Influences:
City & Colour (Dallas Green), Noah Gundersen, Penny & Sparrow, Dustin Kensrue, Least of These

Very First Musical Purchase:

CCM: If you had only five words to describe your new album, it would be…?
Bareheart: You should listen to this!

CCM: Do you have a favorite song from the new album? Why?
Bareheart: My favorite song in this album has to be “Rain.” I know someone people would be like, “It’s hard to pick a favorite. I don’t have a favorite.” No. I have a favorite and that’s okay. I checked with the other songs. Their feelings aren’t hurt by this claim. I love the song “Rain” because it was the first song I wrote for the album, before I even realized what I was writing. My marriage was about to fall apart and God gave me “Rain” to prepare for it.

CCM: If you could potentially tour with any other artist or band (that you haven’t already), who would you choose and why?
Bareheart: I would LOVE to tour with City & Colour! I’ve been told for the last several years now that I sound like Dallas Green (who is also a huge writing influence for me). I just think it’d be a whole lot of fun to tour with him! But if he wasn’t available, I would definitely tour with Penny & Sparrow in a HEARTBEAT! I love those guys and I know for a fact we’d have an awesome time on the road together! *wink wink, nudge nudge*

CCM: How did you arrive at the name of your new album?
Bareheart: My mom always told me, even as a little kid, that I wore my heart on my sleeves (this also being my inspiration to get full sleeves). So last year at AudioFeed, I was walking around the grounds after playing on the Impromtu stage using just my name Ethan Tyler Collins, and this thought occurred to me almost exactly like this: “That was SO vulnerable! I just bore my heart to quite a few strangers, but I was received with such encouragement and tears from people who said they needed to hear what I sang. Mom was right. I do bare my heart. OH! Bareheart! That’s a cool name! Dibs!”

CCM: was the songwriting process like on this record?
Bareheart: I think the best way to describe the songwriting process for this record is that it felt more like the songs were writing me. Each time I sat down simply to play my guitar, one of these songs came pouring out as if they wanted me to find them. I’ve always written from a vulnerable, honest place (go listen to Least of These for examples), but these songs were from a more raw place that I truly believe they needed to be recorded for others to hear.

CCM: How important is your faith or spirituality within your music?
Bareheart: My faith is everything within my music. Sure, I’m not writing the atypical CCM style songs, but my relationship with the Lord is ever-present in what I’m writing. My story is not unique nor is it foreign; heartbreak comes for us all at some point. The scariest moments in my story were when I felt totally alone and that no one would ever be able to understand my hurt and pain. I want Bareheart to build a bridge for others to wholly be able to cross over their hurts into a better place of hope and healing.

CCM: What message do you hope listeners will take away from your music, regardless of what they believe?
Bareheart: I know that times may be hard, I know that it feels like you’ll forever struggle to come out of the hurts, but you will. It will be okay. You will be okay. Do not be afraid to press into your hurts. Do not be afraid to feel them because that means you’re still alive. What hurt you did not kill you. You are stronger than you realize. So sit in the truth that your pain is not eternal. Even on the darkest of days, on the cloudiest of days, on the stormiest of days, the sun is still shining. Take a long, deep breath and remind yourself: There is hope. There is hope. There is hope.

Check out In the Mo(u)ring:

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