Ministry And Music

(FEBRUARY 2008) A growing number of churches aren't just embracing the arts in a big way—they're also recording and distributing them, too. Artists like Sarah Macintosh help nurture gifted people in their churches.

Rush Of Fools: Do The Right Thing

(FEBRUARY 2008) The members of Rush Of Fools were just humble guys serving God — until a hit single got the attention of the nation.

Pillar: Game On

(FEBRUARY 2008) Pillar's Rob Beckley describes the challenges of being in music for the long haul — and why he won't balk if you say he is in a "Christian band".

Israel Houghton: What God’s Heat Beats For

(FEBRUARY 2008) Serving at the largest church in the nation, Israel Houghton is passionate about balancing his dual roles as worship leader and touring artist.

The Final Word: A Simpler Life

(JANUARY 2008) Time is flying by, we are busy people, do we miss God's will in the process of living?

Keep the Fire Burning

(NOVEMBER 2007) 10 years later, THOUSAND FOOT KRUTCH is still a leader in the pack — and mentoring a whole new generation of rockers.