Garden City, CCM Magazine - image

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CCM: The last book you finished?
SW: Garden City (buy) by John Mark Comer

CCM: The last time you were surprisingly moved by a piece of music?
SW: The key word here is “surprisingly.” It was when I watched the movie La La Land and heard Emma Stone sing the audition song, “Audition (The Fools Who Dream).”

CCM: The last great movie you watched?
SW: La La Land

CCM: The last time you laughed uncontrollably?
SW: The other day when I went in to a store to get something, but was sidetracked by a delicious doughnut and totally left without the thing I came for!

CCM: The last memorable exchange with a fan of your music?
SW: Well, there are two that stand out. One is when a fan, who had been an addict most of his life and is now battling cancer, told me he gave his life to Christ after hearing the story behind the song “God That Saves,” which is my personal story of God saving me from addiction.

The other is when a girl from South Africa told the story of battling bipolar depression all her life, but after singing “God That Saves” over herself for a few months, the Lord radically healed her. She said she has not struggled with bipolar depression for over nine months now. God is so good!

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