NASHVILLE, TN (August 11, 2023)
A new song, “God Is With Us” is available from the chart-topping award-winning band, The Afters. Their newest single addresses a hard question that most people ask at some point in their lives. Putting words to the moments when you can’t see, feel, or fully understand God comes not only from the band’s personal stories but from the hope that can be found in God’s promise, that He will never leave us.

“Through all the years that we’ve toured as a band, we’ve heard people share their stories of brokenness and loss, and one question that we’ve heard again and again is ‘Where is God in this story?’ I believe that God isn’t afraid of our questions,” shares The Afters lead singer Josh Havens. “Our loss, our hurt, the hard things we go through…those things are precious to God. And he has promised to be with us in every single moment of our life. He’s not going to leave us, he will never forsake us, and that’s where we can find the hope we need during our hardest times.”
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