Nashville, TN (July 25, 2022)
Dylan Jarvis has released his debut single, ‘BURN FREE,’ available now everywhere music is sold. With a bold voice born from the gritty streets of Memphis, this authentic singer/songwriter has a message of hope which resonates in a shockingly honest way. As a child, Dylan grew up around music and started playing the guitar. But, he spent his teenage years around drugs and he fell into hardcore addiction. This led him down a really dark path that ultimately landed him in jail facing a 30-year sentence.

While behind bars, Dylan trusted his faith in God. He wrote songs about his story and finding his way out of the depths of addiction with a new and profound spiritual awakening that permeates his music. His fellow inmates nicknamed him Songbird, which he now proudly displays in tattoo ink on his knuckles.

Six months later, God went to work again and Dylan was released on probation. He attended Bible school and became an ordained minister, where he completely turned his life around. Dylan moved to Nashville where he was discovered by Gary Becker from PACE Entertainment, and quickly began working on music with producer Dan Tracey of the Alan Parsons Live Project. The result is a rootsy country-rock blend that explores themes of love and faith, and tells the fascinating story of a miraculous survivor who beat the odds.

“My music is a guide into my heart and soul and represents how one can find himself and follow his heart to redemption and success,” Dylan says. “My commitment today is not only to focus on being sober but to use my music to help others.”

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