NEW YORK, NY. (May 24, 2024)
AOH Music, New Jersey-based trio composed of vocalist Brianne Nealon, drummer Jimmy Meier, and guitarist/producer Jack Garno, delivers a new EP titled “Heal Our World” on Friday, May 24th.

This EP is a collection of the original, studio recordings of the band’s previously released EP, Live at Ocean Way Nashville.

“God created this Earth for us to live and live abundantly, sharing in His overflowing love, grace and goodness,” says the band. “We are all called to honor God the Father and all the beauty He has created. ‘Heal Our World’ is a cry out to Jesus to come into our hearts and minds to restore our brokenness. Out of His love for us, Jesus came to bring salvation and healing to our world.”

AOH Music invites audiences of all backgrounds to join in this musical exploration of faith and to discover the transformative power of scripture set to song.

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