AG: That’s manipulation, control.

ML: I want to learn to love without an agenda. That will woo the bride to the bridegroom. We’re all wanting the same thing. Some people want to argue the baby out of the womb, it never works. I’d rather woo her. I do think you can woo the bride to the bridegroom, but you don’t do that by scaring her.

CCM: What have been some of the more memorable or enjoyable moments in recording Dinner Conversations?
ML: Well, they’ve all been…

AG: [Yelling toward Mark Schultz waiting in the other room] Mark Schultz was a fun one. He was a rowdy one.

Mark Scultz, Mark Lowry, Andrew Greer, CCM Magazine - image

click to watch at

ML: He is fun. That adoption thing, that was interesting. I think they’ve all had their own thing. I also think we’re just getting into it. I think neither one of us are totally relaxed yet to where we’ll be just like this. We are talking. You’re supposed to be interviewing us, which you are, but it feels more like a conversation. You just do it, rather than plan it, or whatever.


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