And, it’s definitely shaped a lot of where I am at right now, because I’m watching them and I’m learning how to pour into them. When I’m writing, I start thinking, “What do I want to articulate that would be what God is doing in my heart—even if they wouldn’t understand,” you know? I was thinking of the song, “The Answer,” which really culminated the whole record and of where I’m at with the whole “being in the moment” thing. Look up the names of Jesus in the Bible and you’ll find everything: Provider. Comforter. Shelter. A good shepherd. Faithful. Hope. Peace…all these things. When we say, “Well, I need this,” well, that’s actually what Jesus says He is. We are looking into everything around us, looking to the world for answers—we’re not going to find them there. They’re literally all inside of Jesus Christ. That’s where I am…in the simplicity of that. I pray it changes people’s lives, that we run to Jesus for everything.

CCM: Just like living into and enjoying every moment as your kids develop, the same has been said for you at this stage of your career, and especially for this project…
JC: Sometimes our lives can be dictated by everything around us, for me, it can be planning for the next record or for the next tour, even far in advance. When we’re thinking so far ahead it’s easy to forget what’s happening today. It can happen with anybody. But for this album and this time, it was such a sweet, sweet process because I just wrote…whenever! It wasn’t about, “I need to write for a new record.” I was just writing the songs and filling them with the people that I love. It was a lot of, “I feel like I want to write today,” and would write a song. It’s true, there was so much “in the moment,” moments like, “What’s going on in the world?” and being inspired by that. I don’t like just writing songs to write songs. They have to reflect what I feel like God is doing something in my heart.

I also took my time. This will be the longest period between releases I’ve ever had since I’ve been doing music. It will be about two years and nine months apart from my I Will Follow, once this one releases. The Lord simply provided the songs in His time, and I felt like this is what I wanted to put out. That’s what happened, and that’s why it’s the sweetest project. I even told the record company, “If I take three and a half years, I’m going to take three and a half years!” It’s gotta be the Lord laying something on my heart. So, when I say this is “in the moment,” it’s definitely “in the moment!”

Jeremy Camp, CCM Magazine - image
CCM: Is this a formula that you will adopt going forward, and what does Capitol think about that?
JC: Yes, one-hundred percent. Yeah, everyone has been super-supportive. I’m really encouraged.


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