CCM: Why YoungLife? Did you have any affiliation with them before?
The first thing I did when I quit my teaching job was to go volunteer at a YoungLife camp. There, I saw how music could be a bridge; connecting people to the ultimate bridge-builder. Drew and I have volunteered with YoungLife for most of the past ten summers, singing and serving.

CCM: It’s amazing to see how the fruits of your service are continuing to bless so many lives. I can only imagine that your family is also reaping the blessing of your creativity and work. How have they reacted to the project?
I actually recorded a scratch vocal of the first single, “Find You Here” with my producer Ben Shive the day my dad went in for surgery. I rushed over to the hospital and played it for mom and dad. I remember being in that cold hospital room, seeing their hands raised in praise. The music seemed to already be blessing them.

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CCM: How is your dad now? Has your relationship with him changed at all throughout this process?
He is in remission. We’re thrilled but we know that’s not the end of every cancer story. There are no guarantees in terms of health, but there is this guarantee. God was broken for us. We have this hope that whatever happens, no matter what, this side of glory or the next, there is healing and hope ahead.

With dad, I feel like in addition to him being my father and producer, I now feel like a fellow sojourner. That may sounds kind of strange, but he’s not just my father, but also my brother in Christ. All of us are God’s children. That’s been a pretty cool journey.

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