Jodi Essex Premieres Album Live on Facebook & YouTube

Christian rock artist Jodi Essex continues to speak boldly with the same daring abandon that inspired her to release faith-based music in the first place. As she continues answering the call to live for Christ in a way that is unapologetic to the world, Jodi extends the invitation for listeners to be “irreverent” with her. On June 26, 2020, Jodi released her new album, Irreverent, with a livestream premiere on Facebook and YouTube.

Skillet Releases New Version of ‘Save Me’

Multi-platinum rock band Skillet has recently released "Save Me- Reimagined," a new version of their latest rock single. The track was produced by the band's own Korey Cooper and is now available on all DSPs.

All Together United Drops New EP ‘Anything Is Possible’

Christian rock band All Together United, has released its new 6-song EP, Anything Is Possible. Blending contemporary rock and pop, their latest album offers something for every type of listener, any age or background. Anything is Possible is available wherever digital music is sold now.