
The Second Coming
Release Date: September 11, 2020
Genre: Retro, Rock, 60s/70s Pop Rock
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Lovefeast ‘The Second Coming’ single

‘The Second Coming’ single

‘The Second Coming’ is the third single from Lovefeast’s anticipated full-length LP, and so far it is the band’s most spiritual songwriting venture yet.

Lovefeast producer/co-songwriter Kyle Malone had this to say about the song:
“The Second Coming started out as a bit of a somber piece of music, at least the verses did. After listening to Jeremy Baugh‘s guitar riff over and over I started getting all of this pop culture imagery in my head in relation to the end times and the covid lockdowns. I think seeing the city streets empty and feeling fear and despair in the air so dank that I felt like I could cut it like it was some kind of dark, tangible fog or film helped me to create the vibe of what the world might be like when Christ returns. After we solidified the verses musically I started painting lyrical pictures using Charlie Brown, Guy Montag from Fahrenheit 451 and even Pennywise from Stephen King’s IT (to depict fear)! It’s very Americana. I think I was subconsciously going for an apocalyptic version of Don Mcclean’s ‘American Pie,’ however I believe ‘The Second Coming’ applies to the entire world therefore it is an international piece. Musically speaking it’s more along the lines of Bob Dylan’s ‘Slow Train Coming’/Christian-era with a little bit of The Beach Boys weaved in to sweeten it up.”



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