Oklahoma City, OK (November 12, 2019)
From Parker & Alexander, creators of the popular children’s rock duo Spaghetti Eddie, comes a family-friendly musical take on beloved Bible stories, All of Us: Bible Songs for Everyone, set for release on January 17, 2020.

All of Us: Bible Songs for Everyone presents story songs that, in these days of cross-cultural exploration, really do belong to “all of us,” told through upbeat, eclectic music with a lilting sense of rhythmic pulse and a laid-back, melodic charm. The result is a vibrant musical experience designed to engage the whole family in absorbing the timeless–and timely–lessons that have come to us from so long ago.

“Recording All of Us was great fun and a glorious challenge,” enthuses Brendan Parker. “We’ve sometimes been called a hybrid of Simon & Garfunkel and Weezer, and this album gives us a chance to take the sound and style we have made our own in an entirely different direction.”

Performing partner Erick Alexander adds, “We were inspired by the groundwork laid by our co-lyricist John Kenney, who developed the concept, selected the material, and created the lyrics in his ‘spare time’ while practicing law and studying for the ministry.”

The Simon & Garfunkel influence is a stand-out from the get-go in the vocals and rhyming scheme of the album’s opener, “Celebration of Creation,” which also documents the Parker & Alexander sound experience. “In the Beginning,” an upbeat depiction of the Creation story, has lyrics reminding us that the same God who created the world is always on our team.

The dramas of Noah’s Ark and Jonah & the Whale are up next, with both “Noah” and “Jonah” offering captivating personal reflections on their remarkable experiences. “Ten Commandments” is noteworthy for its creativity, with the number’s rocking minor key exoticism perfectly matching the fantastic elements found in the story of Moses, all crowned with an indelible recap illuminating each of the Ten Commandments.

“Good Samaritan” is based on the timely story about caring for those who are of another culture, a precept that Jesus returned to many times. The primary take-away is that kindness, compassion, and assistance should be delivered without thought of compensation or national boundaries. “All of Us,” a philosophical musing on creating a worthy life, is flavored with a distinctive, rhythmic, Beatles-esque quality. The chorus lists an array of ways that people can use the gifts God gave them to make a better world.

The birth of Jesus is depicted in “Humble Beginning,” a recounting of the Nativity that expresses the disconnect between Mary, Joseph, and Jesus and the sources of earthly power in those challenging days, while also celebrating the joy that comes from knowing that we all belong to each other in “the light that has no ending.”

All of Us: Bible Songs for Everyone will be available at Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon Music, and other streaming services.

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