CCM: It seems like the “cool thing to do” to be promoting “Peace, love, and harmony” again, but…to us it’s kinda like, DUH!
KS: Yeah, even if you are an Atheist and don’t believe in the Bible and things like that… It’s like, The Ten Commandments are still pretty good rules, you know? “Thou Shalt Not Kill?” Not a bad rule. Most of our laws? Most of them come from the Bible for crying out loud! They’re angry about something they don’t believe in. I don’t believe in broccoli, so, I’m okay with it. I don’t get mad when people believe in broccoli.

CCM: What’s your initial reaction to the ongoing and growing news about all of these allegations coming out of Hollywood right now?
KS: You know what’s weird? Hollywood’s always kind-of had a bad reputation but, people knew about this stuff for a long while. It’s been going on for a hundred years in Hollywood, and it goes on in all kinds of businesses. But, I’m sure there are plenty of women that have come to this industry and slept with whoever they could sleep with to get to the “top.” That’s kind-of a sad statement there, but it shows where the culture is, and where the values are. Unfortunately, they don’t care. There are other women that have done it that didn’t want to do it, but they felt the pressure, but then again, that’s a problem. Then, you have a lot of big-name actors come out and say, “Well yeah, I kinda knew it was going on, but I didn’t say anything.” Then…what good are you?!

There’s women of course, that don’t engage in that activity because they have values. They have morals in their life and they say, “I’m not going to do that.” And, unfairly of course, they’re the ones that end up suffering [in their careers]. So, in a way, it’s about time this sort-of thing happens. I think it’s a good black eye that Hollywood had coming for a long time. We all fall short. I’m hardly perfect. I feel bad for all of the women that this happens to, but we also need to stop the women that choose this behavior just because they want to advance, etc. It’s sad.

It’s sad that it’s gone on forever and there’s children, boys and girls of all ages involved, too. Hollywood stayed away from me, I mean I’m a big dude. They knew that I wouldn’t put up with it. Hopefully, it’s going to open a door to maybe bring a light onto how bad it has become and maybe it’ll change things for a while?

Kevin Sorbo, CCM Magazine - image

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