I love modern worship music in church, but other than that, it’s not normally part of my daily music listening choice. That being said, as Managing Editor for CCM I do listen to my fair share of new worship music…but a lot of it sounds the same to me. Sorry…just my take on things.

Today, I finally got around to reading a backlog of email from the website and discovered this wonderful new worship leader named Amanda Danziger, a first generation American from an Egyptian-coptic (basically Eastern Orthodox for those of you who don’t know) family, who is a worship leader and songwriter from Allentown, PA.

This project is refreshingly elegant. It’s stripped-down, yet not simple. The string arrangements make it stand apart from all of the synth-heavy worship that currently dominates the worship scene. I couldn’t pick just one song like I usually do for this blog, so I am posting the entire playlist link.

Amanda Danziger’s new worship EP, Head & Heart, is the Best Thing I Heard Today! You should check it out.

Check out the entire EP on Spotify here:

Check out the entire EP on YouTube here:

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