“There’s a great verse about waiting patiently on the Lord to act,” says Mattson. “A lot of us have been waiting a long time for Him to act. We have to keep fighting the good fight. He’s moving and doing things and don’t know and don’t understand and a lot of us need to be reminded of our passion. We need to be hanging out with God. Church is a benefit. Christian music is a benefit, but none of them can take the place of knowing who Jesus Christ is and hanging out with Him. It’s all about relationship.”

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With that relational priority firmly in place, Unspoken is decidedly clear when it comes to maintaining who they are and honoring whose they are.

“You have to communicate,” adds Mattson. “That’s not the answer to everything necessarily, but it’s from which everything stems and it flows out of knowing Him personally.”

For a band that’s stood the test of time, and has been through thick and thin—the journey, to this point in time, has led Unspoken into deeper relationship with Christ. Albums and headlining tours are the resulting handiwork of the dedication to the call—it’s that personal relationship which truly represents the beginning, the end, and the ultimate follow through.

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