And when it comes down to it, that’s what Daigle is now all about—sharing her faith through music, reaching people, and serving God as a medium for His message. Through an initial struggle to find her way, Daigle has found more than her musical path, but also a profound sense of peace and love, coupled with a worldview that could only be credited to her ever-evolving relationship with God.

“He’s really crafted my eyes to see beyond what I would normally see,” she says. “Like the capacity we have to love—it’s just unbelievable. The ability to love beyond human, beyond flesh, and do crazy things, like loving the people that hurt you. That’s the exact opposite way in which the world functions, but through Christ, we gain those abilities.”

And in the case of Lauren Daigle, He’s given her even more.

“When I look back over the last two years, I’m like, ‘Wow, this has been so exciting!’ The joys of it all are always there, always consistent. I feel like I’m completely in that surreal headspace, all the time. Just wondering…’Is this going to end?’ I hope it doesn’t. I hope this never ends!”

And as fans of Daigle, watching her career blossom through hit songs and unshakable faith, we pray it never does. With overwhelming vocals, a purity of heart, and an ability to seamlessly transform faith into music, it is ever the more evident that she is exactly where she is meant to be; creating music for believers in a mainstream world.

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