If I’m honest with myself, most of every day I don’t believe that Jesus loves me. Even though He has provided mountains of evidence to the contrary, I’m so convinced that I’m a screw-up that no matter how much I try to work that out by doing nice things, the effort is all flesh, not spirit. These actions pale in comparison to those moments of transcendence, of real grace, where I’m stopped in my tracks by something beautiful that actually breaks through the noise in my head and the narrative that I’ve told myself for my whole life—it shatters that just for a second, and the voice of God breaks through and says, “You’re loved.” And even if just for a moment, I have the grace to believe it. That’s why I’m so bonkers about reading books and watching movies and listening to music—I’m always on the hunt for evidence that there is a God and that He really does love me.

* Derived from the new book, Winds of Heaven, Stuff of Earth: Spiritual Conversations Inspired by the Life and Lyrics of Rich Mullins (buy) by Andrew Greer.

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