Not many people get a chance at reinvention. Somehow, time, family, responsibilities, finances get in the way of dreaming about and acting on who we really want to be…or how we can truly realize our potential. Not so with the newsboys...

Natalie Grant: Stronger Through the Storm

A mother of three—twins (6) and younger daughter (3)—Natalie juggles motherhood and marriage with writing and recording, touring, fighting against human trafficking through the non-profit she founded, Abolition International and, most recently, launching a new movement called Dare to Be.


Typically, it takes a band a few years to get their footing, build a fanbase large enough to garner the attention of labels and promoters, and subsequently landing a major tour. Suffice it to say Royal Tailor is atypical…in more ways than one...

Gear Guide: Digital Audio Workstation

As a consumer in the digital world, the growth of new formats and products can either make life great or difficult for end users...