I say it all the time, but I love my job! There is a lot of hard work involved, but I also get to listen to music most of the day and look for new artists I’ve not yet discovered.

This one is going to not be for everyone…perhaps not the typical CCM pop/radio fan. Imagine if NF and 21 Pilots got together…that I think it would sound like the stuff tylerhateslife is putting out. He has a natural, uncomfortable transparency in his lyrics like NF, but it’s way more obvious that he relies on his faith in Jesus to help him deal with all of his issues. If you like that kind of raw, wear-it-on-your-sleeve approach, you should give this guy a listen. His latest 4 song EP, mental health. is really good and will leave you wanting more from this guy.

mental health. from tylerhateslife is Best Thing I Heard Today!

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