So, what is Ikondo—some gimmicky nomenclature set to banner a marketing campaign targeted to youth group teens, sell trendy t-shirts and a host of “mission” trips to third-world countries to “help those in need?”

Nope. (You were excited about the t-shirt, weren’t you?)

Built and overseen by The Hands And Feet Project, employing native Haitians, Ikondo is, “An upscale hosting facility nestled in the mountains above Grand Goave, Haiti—[it] is a job-creation, mission-tourism initiative…” as described on

Ikondo, CCM Magazine - image

Pic: Alexandria Davie

Simply put, it’s a boutique resort…and the likes of Stuart, Will McGinniss, the Audio A family, and those involved in Hands And Feet want you to just simply, “come along with us,” as Stuart, still battling a voice disorder that ultimately sidelined him from full-time singing a little over ten years ago, eloquently delivered multiple times while CCM Magazine met with he and Managing Director Joel Griffith recently in a Franklin, TN coffee house.

You might be asking yourself, “Resort—doesn’t that mean vacation…in…Haiti? Isn’t Haiti impoverished, starving, needy…broken?” Yes. But Stuart, adding to what is assuredly now beginning to fly in the face of your conventional Christian culture thought processes says, “For years we’ve been programmed through our mission trips…you’re [supposed to] bring home pictures of yourself the dump, or holding a starving baby, or working in an orphanage…


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