Artist Name:
Chris Shealy



Aiken, SC

Catch The Fire Music

Hobbies/Interests Apart from Music:
Raising 3 small kids, Golf

Last Netflix Binge:
The Crown

Very First Musical Purchase:
Fred Hammond, Spirit of David

If you had only five words to describe your new album, it would be…?
Family Encountering God’s Transforming Presence

Do you have a favorite song from the new album? Why?
For me, it’s “What A Father.” My wife and I wrote that song together. The majority of it came in 2 minutes and with an impartation from the Father that helped to heal old father wounds of my own. It’s our favorite because over the years when we’ve led it for worship services, the most common feedback we receive is that people have encountered God the Father for the first time, or first time in a long hard season, or been healed from father wounds, offenses etc. The song really carries an impartation from God the Father intended to set his sons and daughters free. I only know this because it first happened for me while writing it. Thank God for this song.

What led you to pursue a career or ministry in music?
I grew up in music. My parents are both musicians and I really can’t remember a time when I wasn’t on stage at church either sitting behind my Dad on the drum kit or playing bass alongside him. I began to sing after I met my then girlfriend (now wife) at the age of 15. She too grew up in music ministry. Her parents were worship pastors for over 35 years after attending CFNI. We’ve always been a part of the worship team wherever we’ve been since we were little kids. Whether singing, leading worship or playing an instrument at home or on a stage, we’ve always pursued a lifestyle of worship. It’s who we are and our favorite thing to do together.

Do you remember that moment when you realized you wanted to make an actual career out of music?
Yes. My wife and I both worked in corporate America after university and volunteered on the worship team at our church. I remember at 23 hearing the Lord clearly ask us to leave those jobs and move from South Carolina to Texas where we would begin pursuing Music full time. We gave him our ‘yes’ in our hearts. We didn’t know that we were entering into a nearly decade long journey of preparation for Full Time Ministry. We took our first official staff position in Texas at 30-years-old after 7 years of a mixture of corporate work/contract music work, etc. For most of those years we were being prepared in the secret place where no one knew we existed. Very hard season for sure! Now at 33, we are leading the Label for a large international movement. We weren’t ready at 23 and sometimes aren’t sure if we are now at 33! haha. I feel like I can’t properly answer this question without the context of the story and cost associated with saying YES to God’s calling. We’re so thankful we did say YES.

What are your hopes for the new project?
Our hopes for this project is that it would faithfully represent who we are not as individual artists but as a collective family of lead worshippers within this beautiful movement. Secondly, we really believe people will come to know Jesus through listening and have radical encounters with the Trinity. We believe and pray that people are even healed of sickness and disease, that mentally ill people are set free, that the oppressed are set free… The list goes on and on, but this is our true heart behind releasing this project. We pray that people would really encounter God’s transforming presence.

If you could potentially tour with any other artist or band (that you haven’t already), who would you choose and why?
Personally, I’d love to travel with Jason Upton. He is a hero of mine and is rich with wisdom. Outside of that I think it would be fun to bring who we are to tours like Outcry etc.

What was the last song you listened to on your playlist or stereo?
“Affection Devotion” by Jonathan Clarke

What was the last book you read?
Emotionally Healthy Leaders

If you could tell the world about another artist/band to check out, who would it be?
We have so many friends at Upper Room. They have a really special anointing over there. It would have to be them. They really minister to us here in our home as we watch their YouTube videos.

What can listeners expect in terms of the sound, style and lyrics?
Listeners can expect a big sound. Really deliciously full. Very sonically appetizing. The styles are all a bit nuanced from artist to artist, but I really think they flow well together. I think it’s a sweet mix of raw authentic expressions of spontaneous worship and really well-crafted songs.

How important is your faith or spirituality within your music?
It is everything to what we do. What listeners will hear is an overflow of a lifestyle spent in the presence of God both corporately and privately. Our worshippers are committed to living a dedicated life to pursuing the presence and hosting it really well.

What message do you hope listeners will take away from your music, regardless of what they believe?
That there is always more. God always has More for them than they could have ever imagined.

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