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Our team wound up the staircase to the roof access door, kept our eyes down, and stepped onto the roof with excitement for the celestial show happening above us.

It had been 38 years since the last solar eclipse was visible in the continental United States, and nobody was willing to let this rare phenomenon pass by without being a part of it. All you needed to experience the few minutes of glory was a pair of paper glasses created solely for this astronomical moment.

I was amused by the national warning to avoid eye contact with the sun, as if there are other times when it’s perfectly acceptable to stare at the fiery ball that lights up the earth day after day. The sun had risen and fallen every day leading up to the solar eclipse on August 21, 2017, but to experience a unique perspective of the same sun that day, you needed a change in lenses. This is true for most things.

To experience a seemingly familiar thing in an extraordinarily new way, you need a change of lenses. This truth is how we go about shaping the theme of a Catalyst event (click to attend). Our annual theme creation offers a new lens through which people can view the same glorious God in a freshly unique way, and this is the intentional content cornerstone of the worship-filled path to the Son.

Our team aims to keep our finger on the pulse of culture and Church community in an effort to best answer the questions people are asking. As our leadership and content teams pray, brainstorm, research, and collaborate in an effort to form a theme, we are constantly asking ourselves, “What is the felt need of our audience?”

[ Note: Catalyst West is coming soon—Apr. 12-13, 2018! REGISTER to attend! ]


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