Do we really believe that God has good plans for us? Do we actually believe that He works all things together for our good — even if we’re in a difficult season?

A few years ago life was going really good for me. I had just been married, I had a great job as a self-employed carpenter, and I could see the next five years of my life running pretty smoothly. All of a sudden, almost overnight, I lost every bit of work that I had slated. It was 2009 and the midst of the housing market crash. Every hope of work as a carpenter quickly dissolved. I found myself frustrated and confused.

How could God use this as part of His plan? How could God use something like this for my good?

It forced me to search. I began to rekindle a dream and a passion that I had inadvertently put on the back burner. It was something that always lit my fire, but conveniently could never find the time to focus on. If I’m being honest here, I don’t think that I ever really had the courage and faith to put my all into its pursuits. I had become comfortable working for a paycheck, but it wasn’t what I truly desired.

I believe God was using this situation as a wakeup call, and that I really had no other option. In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps. Proverbs 16:9

I used this time to finish the songs that I was writing and began to plan recording sessions. Then, little by little, I experienced God opening some amazing doors for us in music. Nothing came quick and easy, but I soon found myself on a most exciting journey. For once, I felt alive. I had a purpose for my passions. God was guiding me into the things for which He had made me.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

Again, I struggle with the courage for it all. In fact, stepping out on faith did not come without much trembling. Was I to sink, or swim? I believe God intentionally led me to a place of vulnerability where He finally had an opportunity to work through my weaknesses.

“When I’m a little afraid of what I don’t know, I know You’re here and you won’t let go /
If I step out will you catch my fall / What ever You want, I’m wide open”

Now, five years later I find myself living in Nashville, working with an incredible team, touring with artists I’ve grown up respecting — and look around to realize just how good is God. Sometimes God uses seemingly terrible situations to lead us into His divine plan for our lives. What ever nudge you might be feeling from Him, faithfully take that step and live the life He’s called you to live.

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