Artists boast all the time about being unique and unlike the rest but Corrin Campbell is the real deal. Her unmatched background coupled with her dynamic, pop rock sound makes her a force to be reckoned with in the Christian music world.

Finding and creating her unique self hasn’t come without a price. She attributes much of her identity to the fact that she has spent the last few years on active duty serving in the United States Army band.

“In the military, everyone is the same person. We dress the same, we talk the same, and we act the same. You have to fight to find your identity as a person,” Campbell says.

For Campbell, being on “active duty” doesn’t require her to be on the front lines of battle. Instead, her job is to boost morale and entertain U.S. soldiers around the world, a task that has inspired her to take her musical talents to the next level.

Joined by her friend, producer and fellow soldier, Tony Corbett, Campbell decided it was time to release an official EP. After having success on iTunes, she decided to release her first full-length album, Game Night, containing fan favorite “Sunbeam.” This up-tempo song tells of Campbell’s relationship with God and His constant ability to break down her walls and prove that ultimately, He is her identity.

Game Night’s lyrics are filled with Campbell’s personal stories of growing up in a dysfunctional family with divorce and remarriage, again forcing Campbell to question the meaning of family and identity.

Ultimately, Game Night is about relationships and how in order to remain secure, God must be at the center of each one.

While identity is at the core of Campbell’s message, she also wants her fans to be inspired by her support for the military and desire to empower women.

“I want to show that soldiers are people too,” she says. “The same thing with being pro-female. I want people to see that not all people that are pro-women are mean and full of hate.”

Her non-feminist yet pro-female stance gave her the opportunity to open at the Lilith Fair in 2010.

“Being in that environment as a Christian-minded person was an interesting but great experience,” she says.

Campbell is currently working a few projects, one that includes Reliant K drummer Ethan Luck. Campbell is a big fan of Reliant K and is thrilled about this new collaboration. She is currently planning a summer tour and looking for different charities to partner with that can help her support her fellow military soldiers.

As far as whether or not she plans to stay independent or join a label, she isn’t sure. Since the beginning of both her military and musical career, Campbell has chosen to let things fall into place instead of trying to make something happen. She has become accustomed to this style and has no desire to try and force anything. “For now,” she says,” I want to continue to let the music find me.”

Right-Click to download Corrin Campbell’s hit song, “Sunbeam” for free here:

(To download the file, right-click the link, select ‘Save as’ or ‘Save link as’ and specify the destination to which you would like to save the file. MP3 files can be downloaded to your MP3 player or your iPod.)


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